Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Healthy You Challenge Week 6

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Hooray! now you all know what my NSV is..I actually exercised! I met my goal of 1X per week and while it seems pathetic in comparison to the workouts that you all do, I am proud that I finally got some exercise in.

Sunday morning I did the Biggest Loser workout dvd that I won and it was great! Loved it because you could customize your workout. Man I was out of shape (I did the low impact cardio), but it felt good.

Well I am only down .6 from where I was last Monday, but it will do. Last week I had TOM going on and I am hoping tomorrow I will see a good loss since I am sure the beef I had on Sunday finally made its way through my system.

Stress at work really got me bent out of shape the last week (and is still continuing even now), however I did not use food to comfort me or make me feel better as I used to. So I am also proud of that.

I hope you all had a great week as well!


HappyBlogChick said...

OK, I am SO not going to criticize 1x/week as a goal, given that I haven't met my exercise goal in WEEKS! Congrats for meeting yours. That's great!

And being down .6 is good, too. The smaller losses add up in the end.

Good for you for doing so well during a stressful time. I wish you continued success!

Holly said...

Good for you on the NSV!!!! Now keep up with the exercise! It will help your mood too. Sorry to hear the work situation is still crappy though.

Anonymous said...

Good for you for exercising. Don't beat yourself up for 1x a week, it's a start. It's more than you did the other day, right?

I didn't want to go to the gym today but told the guy I am seeing to tell me to go. He did, so I went :) Whatever works, right? hehe

Here's to a good week!

Susie said...

YAY!!!! SO great!! GO Heather GO! Sounds like a cool workout too! How do you feel? Sore? More energy? High 5's for Heather!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Hooray for exercise! Way to go!

Diana Swallow said...

I'm so proud of you for exercising! When you aren't up for a heavy duty workout, the functional flexibility workout on there is great with the warm up and cool down. Stretching is good for the body!

Congrats on another loss!!

juliabjerke said...

Congratulations on the loss! As for the exercise, we all have to start somewhere right? And you achieved your goal this week, so it's only going to get easier. Good luck this week!

Suz said...

Congrats on meeting your exercise goal! And I think that is great that you didn't let the stress at work make you eat--what an accomplishment. You are so close to your goal--I bet it feels really amazing! Good luck with your continued success.

Anonymous said...

Good job on the exercise. It's the little steps that add up. Sounds like you made some great choices at the super bowl party also.

I always find those social situations challenging as I never feel 'good enough' 'smart enough' 'pretty enough' 'thin enough'....um.....basically, for whatever reason....I never feel ENOUGH. It's gotten better over the years, but I still look forward to some social situations with extreme dread.

Hanlie said...

Well done! Once a week is much better than zero times a week! Keep it up!

Grumpy Chair said...

Celebrate that NSV girl! I like the BL2 workout, except I'm not a big fan of the blonde trainer (Kim?)

Hope your work is less stressful this week.

I was way up this week, but we usually grill some kind of red meat on Sunday (I weigh-in on Monday mornings). Maybe I need to eat fish on Sundays and have the red meat on Fridays.

Thank you for your lovely words regarding my grandmother's death. Much appreciated.

Cynthia Rose said...

Great blog Heather, love your positive attitude. :)

health and happiness, Lady Rose (over 90 lbs lost so far)

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