Friday, January 22, 2010

Nothing new

I am sure with a title of "nothing new" no one is going to read this post, but there isnt much to report. I weighed in at 157 which is down .4 from last week, but is still no change from 2 weeks ago. Yes, its frustrating. But again, thats nothing new. TOM is a few days away and I have noticed some bloat. I guess that is one good thing about working out a lot - my stomach pooch has gotten smaller so when I do bloat, I definitely notice it. But I hate to blame any gain or no change on TOM. I guess Im just said that for 2 weeks I have been SPOT on with everything. Im eating enough and enough of the right things, working out 5 days a week, and the weights not going anywhere. Ive only been weighing myself once a week instead of 3. Ive been incorporating some new foods into my diet to make sure I am getting enough protein. All of these things are good things, and I do feel good. Its not that I feel like any of it is worthless because the scale doesnt show me what I want to see. I will continue to do what Im doing. But wouldnt it be nice to see SOME payoff? I guess my pay off is that in 40-50 years, I will be one healthy granny.


purple_moonflower said...

Hey, you are maintaining and that is good. Weight will fluctuate. Don't let it get you down. You are doing great!

Unknown said...

I agree, you are doing great! And I am so in the same boat! It is extremely frustrating, but I have to keep believing that if I keep pushing, I will eventually get what I want. If I stop believing, I'm in trouble!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

"I guess my pay off is that in 40-50 years, I will be one healthy granny."

That is worth far more than any scale number! And that's from someone of "granny" age. :)

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