Those were the words I was thinking when I just weighed in ...160.6. NOT the way I wanted to start the new year, but then again, I have done a lot of eating and drinking in the past week so its no surprise I am up .8 from last week.
The good news is that I am kicking butt when it comes to exercise. While I guess I would expect to see a nice loss after all the exercise, it goes to show you cannot exercise well and eat like crap and expect losses. But I am optimistic that Wednesday will show me under 160 again and soon I will be back to where I was before all of this holiday business. Its a relief actually because I am so sick of attending parties with food and alcohol and staying out late and sleeping in. It was a nightmare to get up for work today and its no wonder why since I havent treated myself very well the past few weeks.
I did have so much fun on New Years though and I remember last year looking at my picture and thinking, wow I look great. I thought it would be fun to compare pictures and even though there is not a huge difference, its difference enough to know that a year is enough to have an effect. This year I think I look even better (although I prefer my haircolor back then)!
2007 (with my bff) - 180

2008 (with my bff and other friend) - 160

You look great Heather! I can definitely tell the difference.
I can't really see a difference in the hair color, but I really do like this length. You look fab!
Great job with the workouts. It's easier to take a teensy gain when you know you're doing *something* good for you! :)
Well done with the exercise..and you look beautiful in BOTH pictures, actually :)
Happy New Year!
Although you look great in last year's photo, I can deffinately see a difference in this year's. I don't see much difference in the hair color, though.....I've said before - you are a pretty girl.
Now that holidays are over for awhile, I am sure you will begin to see that scale moving downward again.
You look GREAT! I can see a difference, you positively GLOW!
You are adorable! 20lbs since last year is awesome.
Absolutely gorgeous!
Thanks for sharing these photos and letting us admire your progress! It's very encouraging.
p.s. I hope your work schedule is more sane now?
You look great! You can definitely see the change. I do have to say, though, do you and your bff practice the same poise each year? :)
How did I miss this?
You look beautiful. I can tell the different as well.
So nice to see you. xx
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