Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Healthy You Challenge Week 3

The 3rd week of the challenge went well for me, I lost 4.6 pounds! One of my biggest losses. Lately I have been dropping astonishing numbers, and I havent been doing anything differently! The human body is quite amazing! I dont want to jinx myself, but I definitely hope this continues.

Accomplishments this week would include me reaching 30 pounds lost, and reaching my mini goal. I also received a lot of comments this week about my weight loss. At least 4 people in my office noticed and said something about how great I looked. I also was trying on clothes last weekend trying to find something to wear, and realized all of my clothes are too big!

Challenges would be the exercise. This is a challenge so I dont know why I am having such a hard time challenging myself to exercise. Granted I was sick for most of last week, what is my excuse this week? I dont have one, other than time. I have been working 10 hr days at work and coming home exhausted to eat dinner, and go to bed. How do you all fit it in? I wake up at 530 (and this means I am already only getting about 6 and a half hrs of sleep), and get home close to 7 every night. Then I am in bed by 1030-11. While I could work out after work, when you already get home at 7 and still have to make dinner and do various things around the house before crashing in to bed, thats the last thing I want to do. Suggestions?

Overall, it was another great week and Im thrilled to be only 15 pounds from my goal. I hope you all fared well this week too!


Teale said...

I use the "I don't have time to workout" excuse all the time. LOL. The reality of it is that I just don't MAKE time. I have time to watch TV, and I have time to read blogs... so I have time to exercise, I just don't. LOL. I need to work on that.

Kathy said...

That was a great loss...congrats!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Kudos on a great week! I do understand the time issue. Fortunately, I live alone, so exercise comes before everything else, including housework, but it does bug me.

I have a link somewhere to an online video of an office workout. I use it when I'm traveling since it works in a hotel room just as well. If you're interested, I'll be glad to forward it to you.

Susie said...

Did you lose even more??!?..wow..That must feel so great that your clothes are tooooo big..I can't wait. You know...not to be pushy with the pedometer but if you aren't into the workout, just walk, which I am sure you are doing anyway..but challenge yourself to walk a bit more each day..I am with you. If I am in the work out zone, I am IN IT..but if not..I don't even think about it. I can find a million other things to do instead. COngrats on the mini-goal.

Anonymous said...

That's great..you go, girl! Thanks for the words of encouragement on my blog...you're right I think we notice our weight more than others do. I have to get over that...lol.

Keep up the great job!!!

Chubby Chick said...

Sounds like you had a great week! Congrats on another awesome loss!


Trisaratops said...

Making time for exercise is so hard. But you've met your goal, how fabulous! I have a workout buddy and none of my progress would be possible without her. If you find someone who won't let you skip, it is so helpful. You live in the flattest place on earth, right? I would suggest taking time during your lunch hour to walk for 15-20 minutes. Also, there's always the weekend. I refuse to work out more than one day on the weekend, but that one day helps. You can do it! Thanks for your kind comments about my mouth nightmare - I appreciate it!

Mom On A Mission said...

How exciting to receive compliments from friends and coworkers!

Thanks for visiting my blog and welcoming me to the challenge! Your comment is greatly appreciated. I'm encouraged and believe this is going to be a great year.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you work really hard long hours.
BIG CONGRATS on the loss this week!

pointing the weigh said...

Oh! WELL DONE! Another fab weight loss this week!

Hugs xx

Hanlie said...

Great loss! Your body is really getting its act together now...

Fitting an exercise program into a busy schedule requires planning, a revaluation of priorities and often sacrifice, but it is really important.

"Those who think they have not the time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find the time for illness." ~ Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby (1873)

Diana Swallow said...

All of those weeks where you lost .5 but stayed the course and kept at it, this is your reward!! You get on track and WOW what a great week. You've earned those pounds enjoy your rewards!

Carleen said...

great job on the loss!! i USUALLy tell myself if I don't have time- i HAVE to do something-- so I make myself walk farther form the parking lot or up the stairs or something to just get a little movemet... stay postive

Lauren said...

great loss. you are doing well.

Anonymous said...

Awesome. Keep up the good work. What was your reward for your goal. 30 lbs. deserves a good one!

You mentioned that you work in an office. What is your lunch break like? If you can get a good 20 minute hard walk in, that gives you time to clean up a bit and eat. If there's a nearby grassy area or park you can walk at that will get you out of the office.

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