Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Looking Great in 2008 Week 26

Well I guess there is another week in the Tales from the Scales challenge.

Happy to report that I am down a pound from Monday, but still not happy that it wasnt more than that. However, for this challenge, I am up .6. This is the second time in the challenge I have had to weigh in with a gain. After the first time, I never wanted to have to do that, but I guess we cant get what we want sometimes.

Nothing else to report other than Ive had a crappy crappy day, that ended with me getting a ticket. My first actually. My personal life is shit, and I hate my job.

When it rains, it pours.


Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Congrats on the pound and sorry about the ticket!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we don't get what we want. And that sucks. But I guess you can't control everything.

Are you thinking about getting a new job?

Trisaratops said...

Oh Miss Heather - yikes! I am so sorry you're not where you want to be right now. I'm happy to be a listener for you if you need it. You are doing so well, you're a measly 11 pounds away from your goal, you always give lovely supportive comments, and you are a model of determination. Hope you feel better tomorrow, my friend!

Diana Swallow said...

I'm so sorry you had a horrible day. You are such an incredible woman and I really hope things turn around soon. Hang in there my friend.

Wei Sic Meow said...

Awww hon, sorry to hear you're having a bad time. Chin up! Hope you feel better soon.

Laura N said...

Damn damn damn! I hate hearing about a ticket, that just sucks. Things will get better--they have to. You deserve better than this, sistah.

teenage girl said...

that sucks that your having a tough time!!
thats one pound lost forever so congrats!

Holly said...

Sorry to hear things aren't going so well... I hope things turn around quickly! And hugs too :)

Susie said...

HEATHER!! {{hugs}} I have so much catching up to do here. I started with this post..but will recomment after I read the rest of your posts. Sorry you are down..was it a speeding ticket? So sorry. That's pretty impressive that it's your first one :)..not that I am trying to one up all..but son vomited from the kitchen to the bathroom..then my daughter (somehow didn't notice the sounds and the smells) walked thru it and slipped..right in the vomit!!! Good times..ya know..I just had to laugh..or cry... :)

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

I'm so sorry, sweetie. Sending hugs and prayers your way.
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